[Annotation 4]
the continuous development of computer technology, the Internet has rapidly
become not only a part of our life, but a main channel of passing the information.
However, the obtention as well as the usage of the information may affect
educational levels and other factors caused by the distribution of social
resources on uneven appearance. Whoever gets more information, they are able to
become a social media master in the "elite class", whereas the others
who are not having the opportunity of digital media are produced by the digital
gap. The Advancement information of technology can solve the gap on the
geographic space and time, but could not solve the problem of social gaps.
We can see that, in many human flesh search
issues, people, especially net pals gather actively to take reactions to the
people they cannot accept. Although they are not the ones that are in the core
authority, they express the desire of gaining the power. That is to say, by
searching people, they can get the achievement that they have never experienced
before. Once people gain the power much more than they used to be, they won’t
stop before getting too far. Therefore, the things they do have great
possibility to make things more complicated and worse. The social gap makes the
information unbalanced. Moreover, the media usually stands in the side of
people that are in the middle class or even lower class. They will tend to
exaggerate the fact in order to meet people’s needs.
Not to mention the people that have no
chance to use the internet. Based on the unbalanced information, and the theory
‘’Spiral of Silence’’, which is the theory about minorities' opinion being
oppressed by the majorities due to pressure. The facts will be covered by the
majority. And the low class people normally are afraid of the pressure of the
upper class opinion, so they won’t tend to give out perspectives. This is
considered a improper circulation.
Thesis ''Human Flesh Search and the Post
modernity Behavior of Internet'' by Ho Ching :http://media.people.com.cn/BIG5/137684/8521516.html